1. Visit
2. On the Admission Menu, click on Check Admission Status
3. On the Students Menu, Click on Student Login
4. Enter your application login credentials – Username and Password and log into your dashboard.
5. Click on pay registration fee portal access fees. After the successful payment of registration portal access fees. (Pay your registration portal access fees online).
6. After paying the registration portal access fees. Then click on the pay Registration fees hyperlink.
7. You will be taken to the e-payment dashboard bearing the RRR Code for payment. Just click or select BANK BRANCH from the lists- Bank account, Bank branch, USSD, Internet banking, Remita, Wallet etc.
8. Click on print invoice at the bottom. Print the invoice with RRR code or copy the RRR code. Take the RRR invoice to any bank for payment
9. After the successful payment in the bank. Collect your teller and payment slip
10. Go back to the College portal to verify if your payment is successful. Click on verify payment (RRR)
11. If the payment is successful. The system will generate your matric no automatically.
12. Then go to MIS Unit to update your matric no
13. Log back into your dashboard. Click on register your courses. Your course registration form will be generated. Select the courses you will offer
14. Then print your course registration form in triplicate. Take the forms to the appropriate units for signing.
1. Visit
2. On the portal Menu, click on returning student diploma/certificate ( For diploma/cert students)
3. On the portal Menu, click on returning student Undergraduate ( For undergraduate students, diploma cert for diploma and certificate)
4. Create account
5. Login using your username and password
6. This will take you to your dashboard.
7. Click on pay online registration portal access fees. After the successful payment of registration portal access fees. (Pay your registration portal access fees online).
8. After paying the registration portal access fees. Upload your biodata and other relevant information.
9. Then click on the pay Registration fees hyperlink.
10. You will be taken where you will generate RRR Code for payment
11. Take the RRR code to any bank for payment
12. After the successful payment in the bank. Collect your teller and payment slip
13. Go back to the College portal to verify if your payment is successful
14. Log into your dashboard
15. On your dashboard, click on Course Registration, register your courses and Print your course form.
16. Old/Returning students are to register / add all the courses they have failed (As
Carryover) before printing the course form
Note: Old/Returning students can only do their course registration after
Payment of school fees
17. Warning! All RRR Codes for the above payments MUST be generated from the
Muwanshat website only (
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